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Fly Green Fund » Fly Green Fund Consulting

Let Fly Green Fund Consulting realize your sustainability goals

Fly Green Fund’s vision of aviation as a sustainable means of transportation is shared by many organizations operating within the aviation sector and travel industry. However not all have the resources or knowledge needed to realize their individual sustainability goals. Throughout the years Fly Green Fund has built an extensive network gathering a wide competence within the topic of aviation and sustainability. To make this knowledge available to actors of the aviation sector and the travel industry Fly Green Fund Consulting was founded.

Fly Green Fund Consulting offers sustainability services within the fields of Communication, Analysis and Education & Management Support


Communication – facts & figures

– comparative analysis, statistics etc.
– communication plans
– debate articles
– comments on official reports
– support/facts to be used at presentations or meetings

Communication resource

– pay by the hour or make a long-term agreement


Analysis – emission reduction

-Benefits when using sustainable aviation fuel

-Calculating costs and reductions based on travel patterns

-Analysis linked to business and socio-economic benefits

Sustainability resource
– pay by the hour or make a long-term agreement

Education and management support

Sustainability – management & education

– support to organisation starting up their sustainability work

– management support

– support when applying for funds

– Support with ISO 14001 certification

– Management in sustainability projects

– education in the fields of environment and sustainability

Temporary assignments

– parttime assignments as sustainability manager

Meet our consultants

Anna Soltorp

Anna is an experienced sustainability manager having worked several years for Braathens Regional Airlines (BRA) and Sverigeflyg where she, for instance, managed the ISO14001-certification. Anna is a trained lawyer educated in sustainability management, sustainable entrepreneurship and CSR.

As sustainability manager for BRA she initiated and managed the successful “Prefect Flight”-project where flight crew, airplane maintenance, air traffic controllers, fuel supplier and the authorities worked together to optimize a flight between Halmstad and Bromma to minimize its climate impact.

Henrik Littorin

Henrik is a business administration and economics graduate with more than fifteen years of experience from the aviation sector. Henrik has been working with analytics connected to sustainability, strategy, communication and marketing at Swedavia and the Swedish Civil Aviation Administration. As the director-general for the Swedish Air Transport Society he managed the work on creating a road map for a carbon free Swedish aviation by 2045.  Currently Henrik is working as an independent consultant.

Johan Molarin

Johan Molarin is a captain at Braathens Regional Airlines (BRA) with a dedication for climate issues and sustainability. 2019 Johan was deeply involved in planning and performing “the Perfect Flight” that captained. Johan is an experienced flight instructor and a passionate educator and speaker whit a deep knowledge of the aviation sector’s sustainability challenges and solutions.

Contact us for more information